Tuesday, August 24, 2010

30 Days to Get to Know Me: Day 12

Today's topic: Something you are proud of accomplishing...

One thing I am very proud of accomplishing is graduating from college with a Bachelor's degree in Social Work. I know now that I don't want to work in the field of Social Work but I followed through and got my degree.

Another thing I am proud of accomplishing is getting myself out of a bad marriage. For most of my marriage I was scared to leave because I didn't know how he would react so I stayed in the abusive situation. I am thankful to have been able to get out and to finally be to the point where I feel ready to move forward in my life.

The third thing that I am proud of is finally getting to the point where I felt good about applying to grad school and actually getting in. I can't wait to start my classes in January and get my master's to become a librarian!