Today's Topic: Who are you?
I am actually super happy to be able to answer this one! I have finally gotten to the point where I can do it and feel for the most part satisfied. This summer semester I took a class at school called "7 Habits for Highly Effective People". One of the assignments we had to do was a mission statement. We did this in a 3 step process. The first thing we did was make a collage about us. We had to look at four areas in our life and where we really wanted to be. The four areas were: Spiritual, Physical, Mental and Emotional. My list looked something like this:
Spiritual: Christ centered, look to the temple, "Elect Lady" and firm in the faith.
Physical: Children, wife, traveler, photographer, genealogist, writer, live in Boston
Mental: Grad school, knowledgeable
Emotional: Love, acceptance, empathy, compassion, happiness, positive attitude, never give up, stand up for belief and live the dream.
Here is a copy of what my collage ended up looking like:It is kinda hard to see everything so I will explain the meaning behind it all. Starting in the left corner: I have a picture of Emma Smith and under her name the words "Elect Lady" because Emma is my role model and I want to live a life like hers where she was always there for her husband. Next to her is a picture of Scarlett O'Hara who is another one of my role models because one she got something into her head she went for it and never gave up. Next to her I have written the words "Welcome to my Life 2007-08" which is what I named my blog book. Through this book I became a writer. Next to this is written the word "empathy" Next to that is a picture of the temple with a quote that reads "You are never lost when you can see the temple" under it. Under my blog title is the quote "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." I have this because I want to have love. Next to my quote is a copy of a pedigree chart because I want to become a professional genealogist. Going back over to the left under Emma is the word "happiness" Next to that is the word Boston and a copy of a pamphlet for the grad school I wanted to go to there. In the center is a picture of Christ because I want to live a Christ centered life. Next to Christ is a picture of Captain Moroni because he is an example of someone who is firm in the faith. Next to Captain Moroni is a picture of books because I want to have knowledge. Back to the left side at the bottom is a picture of a passport with the words "World Traveler" written under it. Next to it is a picture of the Jonas brothers and their quote of "Living the Dream!" which is the motto they live by and one I want to adopt. Next to that is the words "Positive Attitude" Next to it is a picture of a camera because I love photography. Next to the camera is the word "compassion" Under the camera is the quote "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its' about learning to dance in the rain" I love this quote because it reminds me to look for the positive. The last thing on my collage is the quote by Nathan Hale that says "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale was an amazing man who stood up for what he believed.
So after the collage we went into making a rough draft. There were 7 different things we had to answer.
1. Mission Summary
2. Roles
3. Role Models
4. Bucket List
5. Talents and Gifts
7. Principles
This assignment was amazing for me! I was able to really look at myself and what I really want out of life. I won't go into the details because I just realized how much I have been writing.
The final step was our final draft, which we were supposed to make artistic. This is finally where this all ties in to Who I am. My final looks something like this:
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