Saturday, May 24, 2008

Its My Birthday and I'll Cry If I Want To...

On May 22nd we celebrated my nephew Rykert's birthday. I ended up spending the whole day hanging out with him. He had a very tough day and was in tears most of the time. In the late afternoon we took him shopping to get him some birthday presents. He is really big into trains so we went and got him a wooden train set. While we were at Toys R Us we found a Thomas the Train set that was set up as a display. We had a hard time getting him away from it. For dinner we took the kids to Chuck E Cheese. It was so much fun! Here are some of the pictures from dinner.

Here is a video of Whitney and Rykert partying and one of Ry enjoying the music...

After dinner we took the kids home and had cake and ice cream. Rykert had his own cake to play in and he had a ton of fun with that!