Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Concert Time!!!

Last night my sisters, brother, Lacey, her sister Torey and I went to the BOB/Jason Derulo concert at UVU... For the most part it isn't the music I prefer to listen to but I enjoyed it for the most part anyway. The first guy who came out to perform was Trey something or another. I really thought he lacked class.... He was swearing it up on the stage and drinking in front of us. I was really glad when he got done singing the couple songs he sang. After he was done Auburn got up and sang her songs. I really enjoyed her performance. Next Iyaz got up... I think I am going to say that he was my favorite performer at the concert. BOB went next and I loved the way he really got into his dancing while singing... Jason Derulo finished it up. I really liked him too... I was kinda disappointed that our pictures didn't turn out all that well... Oh well!